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2020/03/19 2020/04/03 2020/01/30 Evoland 2 - Interested by Evoland 2?We're glad to introduce you Evoland: Legendary Edition!Evoland: Legendary Edition is a pack which brings you two great and unique RPGs, with their graphic style and gameplay changing as you 2018/06/30
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2018/12/07 2020/03/19 Evoland 2 is the spiritual successor to the original [b]Evoland[/b] with its graphics style changing as you travel through time and its gameplay evolving as you move along the storyline. It is also a much bigger game and a classic RPG 「 Evoland 2 」です。 前作の時点でスマホゲームとしては大きな作品でしたが、それでも「ネタゲー」と言えました。 しかし今作はボリュームが大幅に増えていて、時空を越える本格的なストーリーも展開、もはや 専用ゲーム機でフルプライスで売られていてもおかしくないレベルの作品 になっ Evoland is a journey through the history of action/adventure gaming, allowing you to unlock new technologies, gameplay systems and graphic upgrades as you progress through the game.
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